Update Nov. 1, 2014 at 12 p.m. — Investigators continue to find additional stolen items in a stolen property and drug operation it the southern part of Logan County. The latest findings came from three safes.
When deputies opened up the safes they found 13 stolen firearms, 12 pounds of marijuana, $5,000 in cash, numerous boxes of ammunition and magazines and body armor plates.
Original Story
Logan County Sheriff deputies recovered a stolen electric welder and in the process helped lead them to recovering several other stolen items and a drug operation in southern Logan County.

Athena Russell (left) and Ryan Helton (right) were taken into custody. Allan Hand (center) is wanted for questioning in the case.
Deputies recovered the welder on Oct. 23 and learned additional information to the additional stolen property being stored in the area. Deputies, along with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, and the National Insurance Crime Bureau, served a search warrant at 8701 Meadow Hill and recovered the stolen property.
As they served the warrant, a truck and trailer pulled up to the house. Investigators determined that the truck and trailer were both stolen out of Oklahoma City. That resulted in the arrest of Ray Helton, 50, and Athena Russell, 25.
Chief Deputy Richard Stephens says Allen Hand is still outstanding and is a person of interest in this investigation.
Search warrants were obtained for additional stolen property at the home. On Wednesday, investigators from the Sheriff’s Office identified and recovered several stolen items (see list below).
“This appears to be a large equipment stolen property and drug operation. This recovery has assisted numerous cases in Oklahoma County, Payne County, and Logan County. Additional victims may be identified as the investigation moves forward,” Stephens said.
Any further information or tips may be made to the Logan County Sheriff’s Office at 405-260-3204.
1. One ton flatbed pickup truck and car hauler trailer.
2. One Chevrolet Impala (red)
3. Starlight Trailer
4. Gooseneck trailer
5. Dump trailer
6. Polaris ATV
7. Kubota Tractor
8. New Holland Tractor
9. Two electric welders
10. Sixteen 46’ metal roof joists
11. Sheet metal roofing
12. Three safes
13. 19.7 grams of methamphetamine
14. Drug packaging materials
15. Sawed Off Shotgun
16. Key making equipment and blank keys
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