Events update from Commissioner Mark Sharpton

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As a county commissioner, I am asked quite regularly by constituents, “What can we do to help?” There are a few things we can do. Some of these are reflected in an email which Charlie Meadows sent out recently in an email, challenging and informing citizens of some upcoming events. You should find that these are not partisan.

Mark SharptonAnyone who wants to restore the United States to the limits of the Constitution should be welcome at any of these functions. Below, I have cut and pasted, with Mr. Meadows permission, information about these events. I hope you find something to rally behind and maybe together we can stop the erosion of individual rights and find protection from the all-consuming power of the Federal and State Government. – Mark Sharpton

From Charlie….

Let me start by saying that some very brave men (56) signed a document called the Declaration of Independence back in 1776. Their signatures officially expressed the intention of the 13 colonies to declare their independence from Great Britain. In signing that document, they pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. As such, their signatures put the price of death upon their heads. That event was followed by an arduous 8 year war in which all of those men suffered great personal loss. However, they all held true to their sacred honor and the colonies established their independence.

We then became the original 13 states and were governed by the Articles of Confederation, until the Constitutional Convention several years later in Philadelphia. Our current Constitution was created at that convention and after an almost 3 year period of intense debate, the Constitution was eventually ratified and an agreement was reached to create the Bill of Rights as added protection from the federal government. The Bill of Rights might be better described as the 10 prohibitions against the federal government.
What these men created was a Constitutional Republic based upon Judeo/Christian values, with parts of this new government (The U.S. House of Representatives) to be serviced by the democratic process. In other words, they created what I shall call “self government” based upon the “Rule of Law”.

Their goal was to create a very limited federal government with most government services and social standards coming from the states and NOT the federal government. It was to be a union of sovereign states where each state was to be a laboratory to see which state could create enough government to maintain civil order, at the least financial burden to their citizens, while at the same time allowing for the greatest amount of liberty. After all, it was LIBERTY and not much else in which our founders pledged their lives, their fortunes and sacred honor.

With all this in mind and just as deadly serious I can be, please allow me to issue to every reader this challenge: If we want the maximum amount of liberty, at the least personal cost and still have the necessary amount of government to provide proper services and maintain civil order, then we MUST determine that each of us will dedicate a certain amount of our time and resources to being good citizens. We must learn the principles of good government, the ideas of our founding fathers and then to engage those ideas and the concept of the superiority of liberty into our culture.
It is all a matter of priorities in our lives. We all have the same amount of time and if we want good government, we are going to have to devote SOME of our time to civic duties. We don’t all have the same amount of resources, but all of us have something we can give other than just our time. The stakes are exceedingly high.
Let me quote one of the most evil persons who lived, a person I have no respect for, but certainly one of our enemies for which we must pay attention. Vladimir Lenin, the first communist dictator of the old Soviet Union said: “an organized minority can always rule over a disorganized majority”. That is what has been happening to us. Our organized enemies within have been chipping away at our liberties and in the process have been consuming ever more of the fruit of our labors and producing an unjust and oppressive government best described as tyranny!
“The majority of “good” Americans, are not particularly involved, they are rather ignorant of our foundations and poorly educated about our history and the principles of good government. They have been absent from the culture war and the fight to keep from losing our liberties, a fight which has been raging all around us for several decades. Many of these good Americans have been going about their daily lives and are not a part of any organized effort to preserve or reclaim liberty and good government. As such, we are now about to pay a more horrific price for our misdirected priorities than almost any of us ever thought possible.
Therefore, here is my charge: If you are a good person, if you want as much liberty as possible, if you want to keep as much of your hard earned earnings and private property as possible, if you want good government, with true justice for all and a government as free as possible from corruption, then you MUST determine to get involved. You MUST organize with others and you MUST stay involved.
The principled activists within the State of Oklahoma have made significant changes for good over the past 20 years or so, but to do the things necessary to keep making gains we need to triple or quadruple our numbers of principled activists.
Below are a list of activities and organizations in which you may become involved to educate yourselves, organize with and thus make a difference. As we learn and develop ourselves, we need to make a personal goal to get at least one or more of our friends who are not now involved and urge them into becoming good and effective citizens. Please hear my spirit, I am deadly serious, as the struggle between liberty and tyranny is raging on all around us!
A group of lawmakers and activists have been working for several months and as a result, a new organization has arisen which I will name using their web site We have organized 12 rallies over the next 4 weeks at different communities across the state. I urge everyone to attend one or more even if you have to drive some distance to do so.
The purpose of the rallies is to educate and organize people, give them hope and try to get as many as possible to attend a combined rally at the State Capitol on Tuesday, Feb. 4. Below are the dates and locations of the rallies. At this time, I only provide the times and locations of the rallies for this Saturday and the one on Monday, Jan. 13, and later can give times and lo ca tions of the next week’s rallies scheduled for Jan. 18, in Altus, Guthrie, McAlester, Norman and Yukon, and the rally of January 25 inArdmore and Hugo and the February 1 rally in Tahlequah. I urge folks to attend to find out what each of us can do to stop any Obamacare penalties from hurting folks in Oklahoma as well as what we can do to restore the proper relationship between the people of Oklahoma and the tyrannical “National” government in Washington.

Saturday, January 11th, 10:00 a.m., Bartlesville Public Library, 600 S. Johnstone.
Saturday, January 11th, 10:00 a.m., Enid YWCA, 525 South Quincy Street.
Saturday, January 11th, 2:00 p.m., Woodward Conference Center, 3401 Centennial Lane.
Monday, January 13th, 6:30 p.m., Sapulpa Senior Citizen Community Center, 515 E. Dewey Ave.
The “GIVE ME LIBERTY TOUR” is another effort to get people educated, organized and involved. Each event will be a 3 hour seminar. The 3 speakers will be Pastor Paul Blair of Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond, Pastor and State Rep. Dan Fisher of Trinity Baptist Church in Yukon, and former congressional aide, radio talk show host and historian, Mark Kreslins. The format will be a 45 minute power point presentation by each of these men. I have seen their preliminary presentations and they are dynamite. Not only do I urge you to attend, but to contact your personal State Representative and Senator and ask them to attend along with you. As we get closer to February, I can provide other times and locations for the Tour. Information for January is as follows:

Jan. 12th, Sun., 5 to 8:00 p.m., Immanuel Baptist Church of Skiatook, OK

Jan. 19th, Sun., 5 to 8:00 p.m., First Baptist Church in Grove, OK
Jan. 24th, Fri., 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Liberty Church of Weatherford, OK
Jan. 26th, Sun., 5 to 8:00 p.m., First Assembly of God, Muldrow, OK
Jan. 31st, Fri., 5 to 8:00 p.m., Olivet Baptist Church, 1201 Northwest 10th, OKC
The Oklahoma Second Amendment Association is an absolutely fabulous organization now in about its 5thyear. They have done more to reclaim some of our 2nd Amendment rights than any other organization in Oklahoma. Last year I attended their Policy Conference and anticipated it would be well worth my time. I was blown away with the quality of the information presented. The conference will be held at Windsor Hills Baptist Church in OKC, Sat., Jan.18, starting at 9:00 a.m. For details about the conference and to purchase tickets, log on to The keynote speaker this year will be nationally known 2ndAmendment expert and author, Dr. John Lott.
Friday, Feb. 21 and Saturday, Feb. 22 will be the 5th annual Clouds Over America Seminar held at the Character Inn Conference Center, 520 West Main St. in  OKC. This will be a comprehensive seminar covering a broad range of culture war issues. The keynote banquet speaker for Friday evening will be nationally known Agenda 21 expert, Tom DeWeese. Also, during the banquet, OCPAC will present awards to the outstanding state lawmakers for last year’s 2013 session.
If you will make it a priority to attend several of these events, you will clearly understand the urgency of the times and what can be done to turn the tide from the tyranny of the federal government as well as greatly improve state government in Oklahoma.
-Charlie Meadows


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