Guthrie has seen it’s fair share of earthquakes over the last couple of years. In case a large quake comes shaking, students at Fogarty Elementary will know exactly what to do.

Student go through an earthquake drill by going underneath their desk and waiting for about 60 seconds.
Students in Ruth “Sis” Smith’s third grade class took part in the ‘ShakeOut” drill, along with 20 million people worldwide, as they “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” in an annual earthquake drill.
The event was sponsored by the Oklahoma Geological Survey and was overlooked by Logan County Emergency Manager David Ball.
During the ShakeOut, students dropped to the ground, took cover under the school desk and held onto the table for about 60 seconds. Experts says this is the best way to protect yourself during an earthquake.
Before the ShakeOut drill, students shared their Drop, Cover and Hold song in front of Supt. Dr. Mike Simpson, Principal Marsha Todd and the gathered media.
Gov. Mary Fallin proclaimed Oct. 16 as Earthquake Awareness Day in Oklahoma.
“In this state, we recognize the importance of being prepared for all types of disasters, including earthquakes, which is why we are taking park in this exercise,” said Oklahoma Emergency Management Director Albert Ashwood. “We applaud Oklahomans for joining us in this effort.”
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