Three businesses will be moving from their downtown buildings to a brand new shopping center towards the end of this year. On Wednesday, they officially broke ground on their 13,000-plus square foot building.

Phillip Carothers, Jeff Chappell, Barry Anderson, Sarah Anderson, Dawn Hacker, Mayor Mark Spradlin and Amy Carothers help break ground on the new building.
Daniel’s Drug, Hallmark and Dr. Dawn’s Chiropractic Care Center are anxiously waiting their custom-built building to be completed. Hallmark plans being in their new building in September, Daniel’s Drug in October and Dr. Dawn shortly after.
The red-brick building will be located in the 2200 block of South Division, at the intersection of Industrial and Division.
The store fronts, along with parking, will face the east, but the back (west) side of the building will appear as if it was the front with decorative windows and a pharmacy drive-thru.
All three stores will be connected so customers will be able to shop each store without having to be exit the 13,600 square foot building.
Along with the new building, Daniel’s Drug, a local family owned and operated pharmacy, will also be changing their name to Spoonful Pharmacy. The pharmacy currently employs 22 people.
Dr. Dawn Hacker will be able to extend her business with not only more employee’s, but will enjoy having more working space. Her crew will occupy the south portion of the building.
Dr. Dawn was quick to mention she had a lot of windows put into her building since her downtown office sits between buildings on each side. Even the store front does not have windows.
Phillip Carothers, who is over looking the project for the businesses, said they looked at five different areas to build over the last several years before deciding on the Division location.
Carothers said among others, that the City of Guthrie’s planning department has been a tremendous help with them and project.
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