Langston student awarded $40k scholarship on Good Morning America

Three students, including a Langston University sophomore, were surprised with $40,000 college scholarships live on “Good Morning America,” after speaking out about how rising tuition costs have cast their dreams of higher education into question.

Matthew Blue and two others were each given a $40,000 scholarship from the College Board in order to help them pursue their dreams of a college education at a time when a majority of college students graduate with student loan debt.

“These students and students like them have inspired us to start a new scholarship program,” College Board CEO David Coleman said on “GMA.” “We’ve heard from families, from students across this country, that getting to college is too complicated and too expensive.”

Blue, 19, said he hopes to become a “radio personality.”

He said his mother, Rachel, is his inspiration to graduate college after he watched her struggle as a single mother when he was growing up.

“It was always instilled in me by my mother,” he said. “I knew I had to go to college.”

For the complete video and article visit Good Morning America.


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