It remains a roller coaster of emotions for the family of Sean Case, who is battling for his life in a Oklahoma City hospital. If not for a Logan County deputy, there may not be a battle for life.
On July 8, Sean Case stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest inside his home. His wife, Angel, attempted CPR, while her mother dialed 911. As the fire department was being toned out for the medical call, Sgt. Marcus Williams, who was yet to go on duty, heard the call and just happened to be near the home.
“I normally go on duty and go straight to the sheriff’s office, but this day was different,” Williams recalled. “When I was headed to the call, I told myself please let this guy be okay.”
As Williams entered the home, he recalls Sean laying on the floor lifeless, Angel vividly upset and the family’s three-year-old daughter. He knew he had to “do something” and that was to begin giving Sean CPR. Although in his seven years of law enforcement, he had never once given CPR.
“After Sean went into cardiac arrest, I tried doing CPR, but it wasn’t until Marcus arrived that we really started the full force CPR until the paramedics arrived,” Angel said.
Williams continued CPR by delivering rescue breaths. Five minutes in, no change. 10 minutes, no change.
“I was so tired from doing CPR on him, but I was determined not to give up on him,” Williams said.
After 12 minutes of non-stop CPR, a Woodcrest firefighter arrived with an automated external defibrillator (AED). As the AED was administered and Williams continued CPR, he says he saw a “miracle before his eyes.”

Sgt. Marcus Williams is seen here holding a flag made by children for this year’s Police Week.
Sean took a gasp of air.
Soon after, Guthrie EMS arrived and rushed Sean to a Oklahoma City hospital. Meanwhile, an exhausted Williams says he remembers returning to his patrol truck with his life changed forever.
“I literally went to my truck and broke down in tears. I knew GOD worked his powers through me,” Williams said.
Angel Case, a school teacher in Oklahoma City, says she is thankful for Deputy Williams.
“I believe it was a miracle he was there that day,” Angel said.
Now, three weeks later, Sean remains in critical condition and in an intensive care unit struggling with pneumonia. Angel informs friends and family almost daily on the ups and downs that Sean is enduring.
“Hug your loved ones tight,” Angel said in one of her updates. “You never know what tomorrow will bring. I have heard this so many times in the past but never really gave much thought to it until now.”
A GoFundMe page has been created to help the family with medical expenses. The account collected so far stands at $2,305 of the $10,000 goal. The family is not only looking for monetarily gifts, but meals and words of support. Updates are posted on Angel’s Facebook page.
“This has not only been difficult emotionally but financially as well. Once he is out of ICU he will be on a long road to recovery without work,” Angel said.
Angel says Sgt.Williams routinely checks in with the family to see how Sean is doing.
“I believe God had plans for me that day that I didn’t know about until I heard the call,” Williams said.
Angel says she can not wait for Sean to heal so he can be back with his family and say thanks to the deputy, who allowed him to do so.
“I hope Sean can one day shake his hand,” Angel said in closing.
I had Mr. Case as a teacher last year. He was funny and kind. I’m so surprised something like this happened to him. I hope he gets better very soon!