The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County for March 4, 2016.
Report generated by the Oklahoma Court Information System.
Criminal Felony (CF)
CF-2016-61 State of Oklahoma v. Henning, Troy Dean II
Family and Domestic (FD)
FD-2016-47 In re the Marriage of: Rushing, Donna and Rushing, Steve FD-2016-48 In re the Marriage of: Thacker, Kristy Lynn and Thacker, Michael Durrell
Marriage license (ML)
ML-2016-26 In Re the marriage of Grant Dayton Hayes and Miranda Lauran McConnell ML-2016-27 In Re the marriage of Jessica Shyla Branch and Christabella Leonna Morgan
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2016-88 BMJ Bail Bonds v. Mitchell, Shirley SC-2016-89 Whispering Oaks MHP v. Holyfield, John SC-2016-91 Silent Harvest Homes v. Wendt, Johnny, Wendt Teresa, Heuston Karolyn
Traffic (TR)
TR-2016-442 State of Oklahoma v. Simon, Jerome TR-2016-443 State of Oklahoma v. Henry, Matthew TR-2016-444 State of Oklahoma v. Farrar, Troy Dewayne TR-2016-445 State of Oklahoma v. Turner, Christopher TR-2016-446 State of Oklahoma v. Miller, Daren F TR-2016-447 State of Oklahoma v. Miller, Daren F TR-2016-448 State of Oklahoma v. Jones, Jennifer L TR-2016-449 State of Oklahoma v. Kilgore, Thomas
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