Mark Sharpton: Battling the weather

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The groundhog has certainly doomed us for the extended winter. District 1 employees started fighting the battle against the weather on Saturday and continued until the sun finally showed up to assist. Of course the weather always wins these small skirmishes. The ice and snow was eventually cleared and roads made passable from winter conditions.
Mark SharptonThough we needed the moisture, when the ice thaws slowly it makes a mess of the roads. We are now behind on grading roads because of wet conditions. It is a consistent battle with the weather. It delays asphalt producers from making their product and this slows the county’s ability to repair the new potholes caused by the bad weather. It also hinders our ability to complete our current list of work. The weather up and down in Oklahoma can be beautiful one day and then five degrees with snow and ice the next. On that note, tornado season is right around the corner. Please prepare for this and invest in a weather radio that can warn you of potential severe weather threats coming your way. I know they are annoying when they wake us up at night, but waking up due to the radio is better than waking up in your neighbor’s garage.

I thank you for reading what I get the pleasure to write. Some weeks are of more substance than others and sometimes the issues I would like to inform the people about cannot be covered in a small article. I may need to do a multi-week article in the near future. I’m still doing my homework on some facts about road funding. I find the state and counties at a crossroads. I leave you with a question. Can you live on your wage of 27 years ago?

More to come.


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