Mayor Gentling: Taking care of each other

By: Mayor Steve Gentling
Special to Guthrie News Page

Well Guthrie, we are in the throes of this COVID-19 challenge and here is what I have seen in our town:

A community coming together to help each other out in a number of ways, because we care;

First responders, health care workers at ALL levels, city employees, truck drivers, and postal workers all working to serve others;

Offers to pick up groceries and medicines for a neighbor, a friend, a family member, because we care;

Restaurants being creative in their menu and delivery so that we can have access to finely prepared foods;

A new appreciation for the food service staff, the grocery stocker, the pharmacy assistant, the “Trolley” driver, the plumber,  the electrician and the many others who continue to do their job through this pandemic;

Longer lines than normal at God’s Food Bank, because there are those in need, and those who care;

Many many offers to make cloth masks so that we can all be a little bit safer and protect others;

The expanded services of HopeHouseGuthrie to feed and serve the homeless, because they care;

Churches using innovative ways to say “HE HAS RISEN” with their congregations responding “AMEN”,  because they believe and they care;

I see a community coming together to help each other, because that is what community does.  It is part of GUTHRIE PRIDE.  It is a part of our DNA.  Are we perfect —- no, but we are pretty darn good!  We will get through this health crisis.  We will learn things about ourselves as individuals and as a community.  And we will all say THANK YOU!  THANK YOU TO ALL WHO CARED!!  THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SERVED!!

(And we will have a grand party!!)


Steve Gentling, Mayor


1 Comment on "Mayor Gentling: Taking care of each other"

  1. Tricia Forsgren | April 18, 2020 at 2:16 pm | Reply

    Thank you mayor, I agree with everything you said.

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