A married couple sits behind bars inside the Logan County Jail on multiple charges for burglary. The couple was spotted attempting to break into a travel trailer in eastern Logan County.
Logan County deputies responded to a burglary in progress on College Avenue approximately a half-mile west of Luther Road on Sunday morning.
Family members of the property’s owner arrived to the property and spotted a van backed up to a travel trailer with a man holding a crowbar. The man took off on into a wooded area, but was apprehended a short time later. A female, who was inside the van at the time when the witnesses showed up, took off on foot before deputies could arrive.
At the scene, the male suspect told deputies they were looking to use the bathroom.
Timothy Dale Sterling, 55, was taken into custody. Kristin Faye Sterling, 45, was spotted six hours later at Love’s Travel near Highway 33 and Interstate 35 and arrested. Deputies say she was attempting to find a ride from the area by asking various people for a ride and/or money.
The couple is from Muskogee.
Timothy Sterling was arrested on two counts of second degree burglary, receiving/concealing stolen property and obstructing an officer.
Kristin Sterling was booked for three counts of second degree burglary and receiving/concealing stolen property.
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