Six Members of the Guthrie FFA Chapter will lead the more than 240 members for 2016-17 school year.
Candidates submitted an application, completed an interview, and finally received votes by the chapter membership to earn their new titles as Chapter Officers. Officers were announced during the 79th Annual Guthrie FFA Chapter Banquet on May 10.
Junior FFA member, Breyden Codding, will lead the team again this year as Chapter FFA President. “I can’t wait to give one more year of service to the organization that literally has given me everything,” said Codding. “I’m looking forward to being able to serve FFA members again.”
Codding said he credits the FFA allowing him to do things he never thought possible and for his passion for agriculture.
Five additional FFA members will join Codding on the 2016-2017 Guthrie FFA officer team: Dylan Johnston, vice president; Emily Cordell, secretary; Garret Wellden, treasurer; Lindsey Ball, reporter; Lane Brown, sentinel.
Guthrie FFA is an integral part of the Guthrie Public Schools in Oklahoma’s CareerTech system. With more than 240 members, the Guthrie FFA Chapter is one of the largest chapters in the Oklahoma FFA Association. The Guthrie FFA mission strives to promote service leadership, provide fellowship, and instill a sense of pride and excellence through traditional agricultural values. To learn more about the Guthrie FFA Chapter, like on Facebook at Guthrie Agricultural Education / FFA or follow @guthrie_ffa on Twitter.
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