Officer Jonathan Williams honored with Life Saving Award

Guthrie Police Officer Jonathan “JW” Williams, along with several officers from around the state, was honored at the Oklahoma Association of Chief’s of Police on Tuesday evening. Williams was recognized for his role in helping save two students from choking.

Williams has been a member of the Guthrie Police Department for over two decades and recently took on the role as a School Resource Officer for Guthrie Public Schools.

With veteran members of the department in attendance, Williams was one of two officers in the state honored with the Life Saving Award.

“I am very proud of School Resource Officer Jonathan Williams and the role that he played in helping save two of our school children who were choking in recent months,” Police Chief Don Sweger said in a social media post.

“God’s plan was working through this humble servant who was in two perfect places at two perfect times for two wonderful children.”

Williams, along with nurse Lana Rainwater and custodian Kenny Bohanan, all worked together in removing a piece of candy that became lodged in the student’s throat last September at the Homecoming Parade.

As Williams performed the Heimlich maneuver, Rainwater reached into the teen’s mouth and pulled out the lodged candy. Related story: Guthrie officer, nurse and custodian honored in saving teen’s life

A month later, Williams helped rescue a student who began choking inside the Guthrie Upper Elementary School cafeteria.

“I am SUPER proud of Officer Williams and the job that my personnel do each day. If you know Officer Williams I hope that you will offer him a congratulatory pat on the back,” Sweger said.


3 Comments on "Officer Jonathan Williams honored with Life Saving Award"

  1. Go JW. Your the greatest.

  2. Happy to see JW is being recognized, he a great community officer, congratulations!

  3. Thanks for being out there JW. Well done!

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