The Year in Review – Road and Bridge Improvements in District 1‏

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At the beginning of each year we receive a request from the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) asking that we provide information on transportation improvements which have been implemented or completed during the past calendar year. ACOG uses this information for accident analysis and for long-range planning purposes. After compiling the information, we thought it might be of interest to you as well.

Projects which District 1 recently completed within a year’s time include the following:

January 2011 – One mile of Simmons between Bryant and Broadway was paved through funding the county received as reimbursement from FEMA.

April – One mile of Pine between Industrial and Prairie Grove Rd. was resurfaced through use of REAP grant funds.

April – One mile of Kelly between Charter Oak and Simpson was paved through the cooperative efforts of a developer and District 1.

July – A 100 year-old one-lane bridge on Council Rd. between Charter Oak and Simpson was replaced with a two-lane 107′ concrete structure. This project was funded 80% through ACOG’s Transportation
Improvement Plan and 20% through the County Bridge and Road Improvement Fund (CBRI).

August – 3 1/2 miles of Western Avenue were paved from Waterloo to one-half mile north of Simpson. Eighty percent of the cost for this project was provided through the Surface Transportation Improvement
Plan administered through ACOG. The 20% match was through the County Improvements for Roads and Bridges (CIRB) fund administered by ODOT.

September – Road safety striping was applied to two miles of newly paved portions of Pine and Simmons. These pavement marking projects were funded 100% with federal safety funds administered through ACOG.

October – A one-lane wooden deck bridge originally constructed in 1920 on Simpson Rd. between Broadway and Kelly was replaced with a new 152′ two-lane concrete bridge. This project was also funded 80%
through ACOG’s Transportation Improvement Plan and 20% through the County Bridge and Road Improvement Fund (CBRI).

December – One mile of Santa Fe north of College was paved through the use of REAP grant funds, citizen donations and the cooperative efforts of Districts 1 and 3.

January 2012 – One mile of MacArthur Blvd. from Waterloo to Simmons was paved through the use of county funds and a REAP grant.

These projects add up to 8 1/2 miles of road paving projects, two major bridge replacements and two miles of road safety striping. In a future article, I will share news of upcoming projects for which we have received funding. The good news is that major improvements are being made throughout the county, in addition to those completed and
implemented in District 1. I can truly say that each of the Commissioners and staff are working hard to bring infrastructure improvements to Logan County.

Mark Sharpton
County Commissioner
District 1


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