Steve Gentling, United Way of Logan County President, announced recently that Natalie Hardin has been selected as the new Logan County Coordinator.

Natalie Hardin, new United Way of Logan County Coordinator, displays a poster showing all 10 Partner Agencies.
“We are so very fortunate to find another highly qualified and energized coordinator to carry on the great work initiated by Jessica Eaves. Natalie brings to this role a significant level of expertise in marketing and organizational skills. We are so pleased to have her a critical part of the United Way of Logan County team.”
Natalie commented, “I am passionate about helping those in need and enhancing services throughout Logan County. The United Way is a perfect vehicle for making that happen. I know I am jumping into this position right in the middle of the annual campaign, but those challenges are overshadowed by the great opportunity to make a difference in our communities and our county!”
The United Way of Logan County campaign goes through December with a goal of raising $202,014. The United Way funding supports specific programs in 10 partner agencies which last year impacted approximately one out of every four citizens of Logan County.
For more information concerning the United Way of Logan County or to make a contribution please contact Natalie Hardin at or call her at 762-9330. If you would like to make an investment in our communities and county you may send your contribution directly to United Way of Logan County, P.O. Box 1602, Guthrie, OK 73044.
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