
Fatality report for the month of October

Department of Public Safety officials report a decrease in traffic fatalities. There were 54 fatalities in October 2012 with a total of 56 in the same…

Red Cross offers cooking safety tips

Oklahoma  City— Thanksgiving is all about food and family – turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and family time. However, preparing holiday goodies can lead to…

Beams now in place on Broadway bridge

We receive frequent calls at the District 1 office from citizens wanting to know when the new bridge on Broadway Road will be completed. Our…

Drive to stay alive this Thanksgiving

(OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla.) – Oklahoma roadways are expected to be busy during the Thanksgiving holiday period, and the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office is urging motorists…

Citizens urged to prepare for winter weather

Governor Mary Fallin has signed a proclamation designating Wednesday, November 14 as “Winter Weather Preparedness Day” and urged citizens to prepare for the upcoming winter…

Down goes bank, down goes bank

The demolition of the IBC Bank took a few more days than expected to get started, but the 30-plus year old building came crashing down…