By Van Mitchell
Special to Guthrie News Page
Jaylah Short loves being part of her local 4-H program as it gives the opportunity to show her animals at livestock shows around central Oklahoma.

Jaylah Short of Coyle was recently named as the 2015 Princess for Guthrie’s 89er Days Celebration which runs April 14-19. Photo courtesy of Jarrett George
And now the 12-year-old Coyle resident is taking on a new opportunity as the 2015 Princess of Guthrie’s 89er Days Celebration which runs April 14-19.
Short, a seventh-grader, says she is looking forward to being a part of the celebration which includes appearing at various civic clubs, the chuck wagon dinner on Wednesday, April 14, the Wounded Warrior Professional bull riding and concert on Saturday April 18 and the annual parade on Saturday, April 18 at noon.
“I am pretty excited about it,” she said. “I am looking forward to seeing and doing all the events including appearing at the rodeo and parade.”
Short will be joined at the events by Tori Clay of Perkins who is the 89er Queen.
Steve Gentling, 89er parade chairman, said the queen and princess roles are two historic staples of the 89er Days celebration.
“We have a great tradition of having a queen and princess recognizing the 89ers and the rodeo,” Gentling said. “That continues this year with a great selection of these two young ladies that are knowledgeable about our 89er history and have great horsemanship skills and are a great representative of what 89ers is all about.”
Short said she learned about the princess competition a few years ago and wanted to give it a shot.
She said as part of the tryout she had to do a horsemanship pattern followed by an interview and speech.
Short has been active with 4-H since she was nine years old and recently completed several weeks of shows with her ewe, another lamb and heifer cow including the Logan County Junior Livestock Show and the Oklahoma Youth Expo in Oklahoma City.
Short’s mother is Barbarina Doolin and stepfather is Michael Doolin. Siblings are Jaycie, 3, and Jessah 1and a half.
Mrs. Doolin said this was the first year that her daughter’s showing schedule allowed for the princess tryouts.
“This was the first year where her 4-H didn’t coincide with it,” Doolin said.
Doolin said she is proud of her daughter’s dedication to 4-H and taking on the princess role.
“She is very determined when sets a goal,” Doolin said. “She has a very go-getter attitude. I am very excited for her.”
Short said she enjoys growing up in the country and attending a small school system.
“I like the small town school feel,” she said.
Short normally rides her horse named Chippewa, but will ride her mother’s horse Fancy during the
She said being on horseback gives her sense of freedom.
“I like to ride and I like to go fast,” she said. “It is a lot of fun.” For more information visit
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