Guthrie Park Board member resigns; refuses to wear mask

A member of the Park Board for the City of Guthrie has resigned after refusing to wear a mask or have a temperature taken to enter City Hall.

“I hereby resign from the Guthrie Park Board,” Tammie Hulsey said in an email to city officials and board members.

“I WILL NOT wear a mask nor submit to my temperature being taken by anyone other than my doctor/nurse,” Hulsey said in the email.

“This is a direct violation of my constitutional rights.”

The resignation email came on July 16, which was the same day as a scheduled park board meeting inside City Hall.

Before entering City Hall, temperature checks and masks are required to enter the building due to the ongoing pandemic.

Hulsey was appointed to the board by the city council on Sept. 4, 2018.

Hulsey was one of 10 citizens in April to file a federal lawsuit against the City of Guthrie requesting to strike down Guthrie’s COVID-19 ‘shelter-in-place’ ordinance. Related article: Group of citizens file federal lawsuit against City of Guthrie

The case was ultimately dismissed by a judge. Related article: Judge dismisses lawsuit against City of Guthrie; council to decide on face masks

Related article: Taxpayers stuck with attorney fees in dismissed COVID lawsuit against City


34 Comments on "Guthrie Park Board member resigns; refuses to wear mask"

  1. Mollie Pruitt | July 21, 2020 at 3:16 pm | Reply

    Good that she quit! It’s proven that masks help reduce the spread of this highly contagious deadly virus. Please continue working to keep this community safe and healthy.

  2. Good riddance.

  3. I’m very proud of Tammie Hulsey choice. What was being asked was an infringement on her personally.

    Masks should be a choice and not mandated as if we’re children that didn’t know how to take care of ourselves.

  4. Bye! If she is so heartless as to not care if she passes any virus to others, we don’t need her on any board. Let’s continue to let the numbers go up by being selfish. Exactly which constitutional right is being violated? Right to infect others? Don’t recall that one.

    • Mike Richardson | July 22, 2020 at 9:19 am | Reply

      The Declaration of Independence was crafted during a smallpox outbreak in Philadelphia and Boston yet disease is nowhere mentioned in that document nor the Constitution that followed.

      Now please tell me where I can find what gives the govt the right to tell me what to wear.

  5. Hopefully she don’t sick

  6. I’m proud of Ms. Hulsey—masks have been proven to harm, not help. Mandating them is governmental overreach, and isn’t effective at anything except reducing oxygen to the wearer, and increasing the chance that s/he becomes sick.

  7. danna tennyson | July 21, 2020 at 10:59 pm | Reply

    She and Candice are acting like spoiled children. I had a doctor’s appointment today at a new office. My temperature was taken and I was wearing a mask. It was a requirement. Everyone in the place had on a mask, including the doctors. No one was complaining. I cannot imagine someone giving up their job because they “want to be right”!! Well enjoy it!!

  8. It’s so amazing to have free thinkers in free America!
    Jesus some of you people including the person who wrote this need a life.

  9. Yay!!! For sticking up for your American rights!!!
    Good for you seems like a lot of folks are to sheeple to be their own individual!

  10. Deonna Stanton | July 22, 2020 at 12:53 pm | Reply

    She said she refuses to wear a mask, Yet at the old Children’s Hospital where nothing but elderly people live that she is currently the manager and has told all residents that they and their visitors must wear a mask if they are outside of their apartment. She is walking around that building without a mask and exposing elderly people to any possible germs that she may have. If she doesn’t want to wear a mask she needs to get a different job.

    • The old “Children’s Hospital”. You mean Villas Of Benedictine Pointe on west Warner? One of the snakes that sued the city works there?

    • Deonna Stanton, That is an outright LIE. At NO time have I EVER told a resident or a visitor that they must wear a mask. If you are going to say something about me, at least get your facts straight. 99% of the residents CHOSE to NOT wear a mask themselves. We are all adults and we can make our own choices.

    • Not true. She has remained consistent on her position regarding mask being a choice.

    • Deonna, do you know this Tammie person? Were you a witness to this?

      • Deonna Stanton | July 29, 2020 at 1:21 pm | Reply

        I know that she is the manager of the old Children’s Hospital that was turned into a facility for elderly people. I personally saw the notice that she put in the elevator that required residences and their guests to wear a mask. I’m not saying that notice is still there but it definitely was.

    • Why is the heavy censoring? Is it because you know Tammie is right and Deonna is wrong? Shame on you!

      • Simply not true. All comments must be approved because of spammers filling in these comments sections if not. Each comment can not always be approved immediately as they come in due to not being around a computer at all times.

      • Deonna Stanton | July 29, 2020 at 1:42 pm | Reply

        I’m not wrong. Saw the notice with my own eyes. Was very glad when I did see it because it helps protect the elderly.

    • Chris Evans…. you going to delete every comment that I reply? Or any comment that someone else writes in favor of me? I was always under the understanding that news editors and reporters were supposed to be UNBIASED. You have obviously proven just the opposite with your sensational news story aimed at flaming me. YOU allowed Deonna to post a comment that is a BLATANT LIE regarding me and my job. How about you for once in your life do your due diligence and RESEARCH: per the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions and UNBIASED: showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial. You apparently aren’t capable of researching and you are VERY biased. I can live with myself and my choices. Can you?

      • I have to approve all the comments because of spammers filling in these comments sections if not. I can not approve each comment as they come in due to not being around a computer at all times. I have not deleted a single comment or reply.

        • Actually Chris you have, because I responded to Deonna’s reply around 6pm and THAT comment is not on here. You also did not publish any of the comments until I wrote the one directly to you.

          So let me reiterate: at NO time in my employment of The Villas of Benedictine Pointe (not the “children’s hospital”) have I EVER told ANYONE, resident or visitor that they must wear a mask. If someone even asks me I tell them that wearing a mask is THEIR choice. It is not MY place to tell others what to do. As I said in my comment you didn’t post, probably 99% of our residents do not wear a mask. This is their choice. We are all adults capable of making our own choices.

          I can take all the snide comments from Facebook trolls that want to post. I’ve had A LOT of laughs and so have my friends and family. I know what I am. I know what I’m not and I know what I have done for this community in the 3 years that I have lived here and NONE of you can take that from me.

          I am always striving to learn as a human being, treat people with compassion, kindness and care. You might try that some time!

          • The response should be there. I can see it. You may need to refresh.

            I was mowing the yard at 6:00 and just got to my computer to check emails around 10 p.m. and approved all comments and replys once I saw them.

            You can be upset toward me with your comments. I understand. It comes with the territory.

            The article was to the point and based off of facts. It is a topic that some strongly agree and some that strongly disagree.

          • Chris, that first response was NOT there until after I put my last comment to you. Several people were watching for me. As for your reporting… it is biased. I have seen this more than once for myself. As for FB… anyone can comment anything they want. You don’t approve those, but as for this page, you do approve those as you said. You did approve Deonna’s comment without verifying ANY of what she said. THAT is my issue with you and your reporting. Her comment is a BLATANT lie and you are letting it stand. I don’t care about the name calling. People do that when they can’t think of anything intelligent to say. Guthrie is well known for that… statewide as a matter of fact.

  11. Pamela Walker | July 22, 2020 at 1:55 pm | Reply

    Wearing a mask is not a violation of your Constitutional Rights. It is merely the compassionate thing to do to protect your life and the lives of people around you. Your Constitutional Rights END at the tip of my nose. When what YOU do affects me negatively then you are in violation of MY Constitutional Rights. Wear the stupid mask!!!

  12. Good for her! It is past time true Americans stand up for their rights. Mask “orders” or “mandates” are NOT law and cannot be enforced – PERIOD. Karl Marx is laughing his rear off at all of the mask wearers. And, for people like Pamela Walker above, you do not know the Constitution nor US Codes. If people like you are so fearful, stay home – end of story. It is sheep like you who are the real problem. You don’t even make any sense with your post Pamela, not to mention you severely lack any critical or logical thinking directly due to your blatant ignorance of this non-pandemic. If this were a true pandemic Pamela, there would be billions of people dead right now. Here is a little info to increase your awareness of your ridiculous mask nonsense directly from an OSHA certified trained individual:
    N95 masks: are designed for CONTAMINATED environments. That means when you exhale through N95 the design is that you are exhaling into contamination. The exhale from N95 masks are vented to breathe straight out without filtration. They don’t filter the air on the way out. They don’t need to.
    Conclusion: if you’re in Target and the guy with the virus has a N95 mask, his virus breath is unfiltered being exhaled into Target. N95 blows the virus into the air from a contaminated person.
    Surgical Mask: these masks were designed and approved for STERILE environments. …The surgical mask is not designed for the outside world and will not filter the virus upon inhaling through it. Its filtration works on the exhale, to protect the patient from doctor’s breath. The amount of particles and contaminants in the outside and indoor environments where people are CLOGGING these masks very, VERY quickly. The moisture from your breath combined with the clogged mask will render it “useless” if you come in contact with the virus and your mask traps it, you become a walking virus dispenser.
    Cloth masks: ALL of them offer NO FILTERING whatsoever. As you exhale, you are ridding your lungs of contaminants and carbon dioxide. Cloth masks trap this carbon dioxide the best. It actually risks your health, rather than protect it. The moisture caught in these masks can become mildew ridden overnight. Dry coughing, enhanced allergies, sore throat are all symptoms of a micro-mold in your mask. Cloth masks are WORSE than none. It’s equivalent to using a chain link fence to stop mosquitos.
    Conclusion: The left wants us to keep wearing masks. The masks don’t work. They’re being used to provide false comfort and push forward a specific agenda and people like you Pamela are aiding in that anti-American agenda. You might want to revisit World History Pamela, and take a good hard read regarding Nazi Germany. Sounds like you mask followers would have been the first in line for a trip to the gas showers…SMH.

  13. And, for those who have zero knowledge of Constitutional Rights commenting erroneously above:

    Lawyers Offer To Represent Those Arrested Or Cited For Not Wearing Face Mask.
    An increasing number of principled lawyers have offered to represent for free those who are arrested or fined for not wearing a face mask.
    Attorney Mike Yoder of the Washington D.C. / Virginia area tweeted “We are all doing this free of charge to those willing to fight to preserve our Constitution against unconstitutional orders. Constitutional rights > fear. End of story.”
    Yoder was joined by attorney Briscoe Cain of Houston and many more lawyers from across the country. The network of lawyers seem to be joined in ideology, to defend the rights of the people against these outrageous dictates. Great job!

  14. For those that think mask mandates are a violation of your constitutional rights, you sound foolish, selfish, and uneducated. I refuse to take the time to explain public health policy and Germ Theory to you. Quarantine, and in its newest form, social distancing, is nothing new. Just because you have strong emotions does not mean you are correct. Please look up Confirmation Bias and other fallacies and try not to violate, and please do not be so thick and ignorant as to be unable to change your mind when new facts arise. And don’t bother whining about this post; I won’t read it. I’m done with the unparalleled ignorance contained in this thread.

  15. Good riddance to this woman and her frivolous lawsuit! And it’s nice to know where she works, so I can avoid that place when considering alternative housing for aging family members

    Yes, we should all be very afraid that fascism could get a hold in our society. You just have to look at what’s happening across the country to see that the we are in grave danger if we don’t elect a responsible adult who truly cares about this country and ensuring that our democracy continues to be secure. Our freedoms are being trampled by a greedy and corrupt president—read this list of characteristics of fascist societies and see how many are present in our country right now. You might be surprised, but you should also be terrified at what the future could hold for us. People can quickly become powerless, and the government can easily take control if the power is not checked (as it should be) by Congress.

    You might want to reread your history if you think that fascism is connected to mask-wearing in the middle of a global pandemic. The “sheeples” are the ones blindly following and believing the misinformation being spread by a bunch of corrupt politicians who want to retain—and increase—power. Be afraid, be very afraid, especially if you are a person of color, a religion besides Christian, LBGQT, female, or someone not afraid to speak inconvenient truths. As the haunting expression goes, “ First they came for the Socialists, but I did not speak out….”

    And just wear your stupid mask!! If not for the at-risk and immune-compromised individuals among us who depend on public health guidelines to remain safe, then for your own family. After all, you wear your shirt and shoes in stores without arguing or making it a “freedom” issue, don’t you? Our schools and businesses must reopen, and we need our FREEDOM back to shop and travel safely, but with the current infection rate none of that is likely to happen any time soon.

    Besides, even the lyin’, denyin’ president is now (far too late) telling you to wear a mask.

  16. Gena Swenson | July 24, 2020 at 3:30 pm | Reply


  17. I don’t really give a rats azz if anyone wears a mask. The fact that this group of imbeciles sued the city of Guthrie over an ordinance that was not being enforced tells the true story. Wow, way to go, make the lawyers some money, cost the citizens money via taxes. Real bright.

  18. The world is going to miss what the US was, your grandparents knew their rights, they didn’t think those rights negated their responsibilities to their community.
    The modern day US citizen sounds like a loud, ignorant and spoiled child.
    The shortest period of world leading for any nation since the dawn of time.
    Idiocracy is a documentary.

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