High winds leaves damages to house and barn

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The Sunday morning storms were a welcomed site for rain, but the high winds were not quite so pleasant. With the winds and damage, some believe an EF0 tornado may have hit the south side of Guthrie.

Storm 04272014Just after 7 a.m., the National Weather Service issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Logan County. Soon after the rain began, winds and small hail came crashing in.

The hardest hit area was near the intersection of Seward Road and Coltrane Road, an area that will likely need someone similar to those who handle roof hail damage in Mckinney, TX to help repair the damage. A home, that was in the process of being built and was 50 percent completed, suffered damage to the structure. Weather events like this can be dangerous. Hail damage to your home is unpredictable and can be serious. If your home is ever caught in a wind or hail storm, and is damaged as a result, you might want to consider contacting a loss adjuster to try and help you with your claim. Claiming on your insurance might be the right way to go after an event like this, try and contact as soon as you can.

In this case, one window was blown off the home and was found 100 yards from the house and a second window blown off was found 30 yards away. Debris was found in each direction of the structure. The garage area of the house also received structural damage. It is unknown how much damage the house received until the home is further evaluated.

Across from the home, a portion of a barn’s roof was peeled off. In addition to the property damages, tree debris, including several large limbs, were scattered throughout the area. The weather event was dangerous and caused a lot of damage to this house in particular.

An EF0 is the weakest category on the Enhanced Fujita scale and categorizes winds between 65 and 85 mph.


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