Logan County Commissioner’s District 1 update

District 1 County Commissioner Marven Goodman

With the great fall weather our maintenance crews continue to improve our county roads and bridges by completing several more projects. We have finished the major part of the Camp Road rebuild project just west of the Broadway and Cottonwood Bridge with a new road base and gravel.  Our rural road rebuild team has moved Simpson Road between Santa Fe and Western to build up a low area damaged by early year flooding. 

These areas were hard hit by our pre-summer flooding and have always been a sticky and muddy mess in the rain.  To help improve drainage our right of way team installed two new tinhorns on the west side of the Chisolm Creek Bridge, and put in a new culvert on Simpson Road just east of Western. Our schedule has our rebuild team moving over to Western south of SH33 to Prairie Grove beginning next week.

Again this week we met with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) and representatives from Atlas Paving to go over the final shoulder slope and sod inspection around the culvert areas. This is a great road surface now that should serve our community for many years to come. Our complements to Atlas on the quality job they did on Charter Oak from Kelley Ave East to Broadway. They have completed a quality job and finishing this last phase.

The Coltrane Road utility relocation has the OG&E contractors in full steam and has finished setting and stringing the new poles on the expanded right of way and now cutting over to the new lines.  Once OG&E gets the cable company to vacate the old transmission poles they will remove the old poles and right of way cleanup will begin.  We continue to work with ODOT and ACOG this month to update our application for federal funding to finish the project. We have committed three million dollars in CIRB funding to complete this project in the FY 2017-2018 construction years.  The total remaining cost for the construction phases is approximately six million dollars, nine million total. We have one third of the total for matching funding requirement which is well above the one fifth (20 percennt) match required by the ACOG administered federal highway funds.  This is the definition of a “shovel ready” project and stands a great chance of 100% funding.

Our asphalt road team has patched quite a large push out on Kelley between Simmons and Charter Oak and will be moving over to Bryant Ave on both sides of Charter Oak. We have agreed with Oklahoma County on a joint project to repave Waterloo Road between SH74 and Meridian Ave.  We hope to have all the agreements approved by both counties this month with a target to complete the overlay before winter. We will keep this item on the update list until we get a firm schedule.

We have received several calls and emails considering our District 1 county road speed limits and traffic interchange control requirements. We welcome and will continue to take your recommendations for the next few weeks. On October 30, 2015 we will take your recommendations to the Logan Board of Commissioners for action on the following proposed traffic control changes: 1) At Penn & Charter Oak to implement a 4 way stop. This change will add a stop for the traffic on Penn at this intersection. 2) Broadway and Charter Oak to reduce speed at intersection to 30 mph. 3) Industrial and Santa Fe reduce speed at interception to 30 mph. The following county road speed reductions have been submitted for consideration: 1) Broadway from Waterloo to Simpson Lane reduce speed limit to 40 mph. 2) Kelley north of Waterloo to Charter Oak reduce speed to 40 mph. Please let us know what you think about the proposals.

You can visit us online at http://www.commissiondistrict1.com/ or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/commissiondistrict1

Until next time, be safe out there on our county roads and bridges.

Marven Goodman
Logan County, District 1
Work: 405 282-3581


1 Comment on "Logan County Commissioner’s District 1 update"

  1. Charter Oaks between Western and Penn is a disaster. The patch job from this summer is already destroyed. This section of road needs a complete overhaul.

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