The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County for June 25, 2014.
Criminal Felony (CF)
CF-2014-217 State of Oklahoma v. Harrison, Jimmy Don
Civil relief less than $10,000 (CS)
CS-2014-146 Synchrony Bank F/K/A GE Capital Retail Bank vs Laura Jester CS-2014-147 Asset Acceptance LLC vs Michelle I McMillian
Family and Domestic (FD)
FD-2014-137 In Re the marriage of Lacy Elizabeth Hudson v. Gordon Willis Hudson FD-2014-138 In the Interest of the Child(ren) Of: Kaisha Dawn Dingal and Gershom Paul Dingal FD-2014-139 In the Interest of the Child(ren) Of: Joshuawa Richard Studiner and Mary Faith Powers FD-2014-140 In re the Marriage of: Wilcott, Jason and Wilcott, Melissa C.
Paternity (FP)
FP-2014-60 State of Oklahoma vs Jorey B Stockton FP-2014-61 In the Interest of the Child(ren) Of: Elizabeth Ann Davis and Michael D Byars FP-2014-62 In the Interest of the Child(ren) of: Ariel Samantha Phillips and Brandon Michael Edens FP-2014-63 In the Interest of the Child(ren) of: Maggie Jean Barnett vs Jesse Wayne Powers FP-2014-64 In the Interest of the Child(ren) of: Whitney Nicole Uhlenhopp and Armando Agustin Valdez
Protective Order (PO)
PO-2014-74 Nancy D. Powell vs Dianna Savage PO-2014-75 Nancy D. Powell vs Micah Brooks Womack PO-2014-76 Paige M. Powell vs Dianna Savage
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2014-222 Pam Fisher vs Sean T. Winston
Traffic (TR)
TR-2014-1125 State of Oklahoma v. Fishburne, Nathaniel Joaquin II TR-2014-1126 State of Oklahoma v. Boggess, Bessie Lee TR-2014-1127 State of Oklahoma v. Huskey, Valerie Dawn TR-2014-1128 State of Oklahoma v. Rahm, Shay Dawn TR-2014-1129 State of Oklahoma v. Aina, Ademola Chukwudi TR-2014-1130 State of Oklahoma v. Thompson, Jonathan H TR-2014-1131 State of Oklahoma v. Shook, John Dustin TR-2014-1132 State of Oklahoma v. Beasler, Nicole Dawn TR-2014-1133 State of Oklahoma v. Mallett, Kirtis William
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