Parking on the grass issue continues on

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Despite seven months of ongoing conversations, the proposed parking on the grass ordinance was tabled at the Guthrie City Council meeting Tuesday evening.

The council voted 4-2 to table the proposed ordinance to fine tune parts of the literature, that it may be more clear to understand as suggested by Council members Sheri Mueller and Patty Hazlewood. Vice Mayor Trey Ayers and Councilman Jon Wood voted no on the motion.

Councilwoman Mary Coffin was not in attendance for the 71 minute meeting.

The council heard from six citizens in the public hearing with three against the propsed ordinance and three in favor. The topic was covered in 46 minutes.

Related story: Parking on the grass ordinance being considered by council

In other business items, the council approved the following:

– approved the decrease in the amount of $34,292.29 of the total contract price. This decreases the total contract price from $3,406,380.52 to $3,372,088.23 in the CMOM project, repair and replacement of sewer mains and manholes.

– approved City Manager’s vacation buy-back request

– approved an application for an original oil well near the intersection of Academy and Triplett Road.

– approved to assign the present lease between Ron Jewell and the City of Guthrie for property at the airport, to Jason Perkins.

– approved two ground leases at the airport. The leases affected will be Ground Lease number 5 with Pegasus Properties, LLC and Ground Lease number one with Crabtree Aircraft Company, Inc.

– approved the library staff to implement the Exercise for Fines Program for three months. Related story: Exercise your library fines right off approved

– approved a Healthy Communities Incentive Grant application. Guthrie was awarded that distinction at the Merit Incentive Level. A benefit of that designation is our option to apply for grant funds to support our community’s efforts to enhance and maintain that Healthy Community award. The application requires the Mayor’s signature and does not require a match by the City.

– approved to amend a Zoning Ordinance by creating the Special Use provision for “Distillery” in the Central Business District and approved the application, by David Merritt, owner of Prairie Wolf Spirits, LLC, to allow a distillery  at 124 East Oklahoma.

– approved a request by Marilyn Hughes for a Special Use Permit to place a duplex residence in an R-1 Residential Zone, located at 508 East Grant Avenue.


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