The Guthrie Police Department recently had three police officers graduate from their state certification. Now, four officers are set to train those new officers through the department’s Field Training Officer (FTO) program.
Last week a ceremony was held in Oklahoma City for police officers Zachary Gales, Austin Meredith and Filemon Vasquez, Jr. for completing their Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) certification. Related story: Six officers graduate CLEET; three officers with GPD
But before hitting the streets to serve the community, they will go through a 14 week FTO program within the department.
The FTO program is an internal program that is 14 weeks long and allows new officers to shadow veteran officers while learning policies, rules, ordinances and guidelines of the city.
The department has designated officers (pictured above) Josh Hader, Derek Speckman, Erik Lamb, and Ryan Friesen as the first line FTO supervisors. They will help train, supervise and evaluate the first level officers.
The volunteer supervisors took their own training course just recently in Edmond.
A new trainee is usually only allowed to work with a FTO for a predetermined amount of time, or until the field training staff determines that they are ready to work on their own.
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