Superintendent: “We wish him well”

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Now with the departure of Rafe Watkins, Guthrie will soon be searching for their next head football coach. Muskogee High School announced on Friday that Watkins had accepted their lead football position.

Rafe Watkins accepted the Muskogee head football job on Friday. Muskogee Public Schools photo.

Rafe Watkins accepted the Muskogee head football job on Friday. Muskogee Public Schools photo.

“We’re thrilled to have him,” MHS superintendent Mike Garde said in a media release. “Coach Watkins comes with the experience to move Muskogee in a positive direction. His proven experience in 5A football will be beneficial in developing our students into champions on and off the field.”

So, what is the future for Guthrie football and the search for their next coach?

Guthrie News Page spoke with Superintendent Mike Simpson, who will get with members of his administration and work on a plan for their hire. Before that happens, Simpson wanted to thank Watkins for his tenure on the BlueJays sideline for the past 13 seasons.

“We want to thank all the outstanding things that he has done for Guthrie over the years. “We understand Coach Watkins’ desire to want to move up to the 6A level and we wish him well.”

“It is a move up for him and that’s a testament to the great job that he did in Guthrie.”

Watkins’ wife (Karen) serves as principal at Fogarty Elementary and will make the move to Muskogee at the end of the school year. Watkins also served as the Guthrie co-athletic director.

Jelsma StadiumGuthrie schools have not received formal letters of resignations at this time due to the timing of the hiring and school being out of session due to weather.

Simpson says he will meet with Executive Director Chad Wilson and Athletic Director Gary Boxley on Monday to determine on how they will look for the next head football coach.

“We will fill those positions similar to how we way we have filled other positions in the past,” Simpson said.

“We will look at what our options are on both positions — both in-house and outside of Guthrie. We will find the best person that is the best fit for Guthrie.”

Related: On Saturday, Watkins spoke with the Tulsa Sports Animal
Related storyRafe Watkins is a Muskogee Rougher 
Related storyReports: Rafe Watkins next head coach at Muskogee


5 Comments on "Superintendent: “We wish him well”"

  1. I wonder how long before the real truth of why he left comes out…. I for one think he should stay and let the community have its way with him, face the music…..

  2. Don’t want to defend him because I think he let the community and the kids down, but half the problem is still at the high school. She is an administrator and was considered a role model. If he was asked to resign shouldn’t this be the standard for the other half of the problem. Involving the kids in moving his girlfriend is way out of bounds! My kids go to GHS to get an education, not this. now there is a former student of hers that wants to come forward with “information”. How big of a zoo does this need to get? When does this get not ok?

  3. we just need to quit beating around the bush and state that are coach got caught playing around with the school counselor and is Now being asked to resign and leave town… there that was easy.. see this is the problem too many people wanting to say something but only saying it under their breath and not fixing the problem at the high school… the fact that she got to stay and wasn’t facing the same music really pisses me off and someone needs to do something about that?

  4. Wow hope you feel better. I don’t think there was anyone who didn’t know. He did his job well and brought a school 4 state championships that had none. Let their personal lives be that their personal lives. Guess you have the right to talk and name names, but It is a waste of time. Coach is gone and soon his family will be too. As far as I know the only student hurt by this was his own son and they can deal with that as a family. I you feel you need justice take it to the board instead of some stupid web name.

  5. If everyone knows already BOB that should include the board members, and shouldn’t something be done by THEM if it is known by THEM? Why must someone from the community put their name on the line in order to get this mess cleaned up???? It looks bad to our kids, and the community that the school board is NOT taking more action…

    You say only one student is hurt by this… How about all of those boys that looked up to him for all these years, that sweat blood and tears for him!! What are they to think when he just abandons them without an explanation. He makes those boys step up and take responsibility for their actions from the second they step on the field, now its his turn to face the music and he RUNS the other way and drops them on their face.. You think that is right, BOB???

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