Broadway paving scheduled for mid May

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In December 2012, District 1 contracted with Atlas Paving Company to resurface three miles of Broadway from Waterloo to Simpson. Weather and a backlog of projects delayed the paving, but we received word today that work is scheduled to begin Monday, May 13.

Mark SharptonSince the project will require a week to complete, please be aware that at times portions of roadway may be closed and/or there may be delays and detours.  If the project is delayed by rain or if Atlas gets ahead of schedule, we will try to pass the information on to you.

Safety striping will also be applied to the new pavement since District 1 obtained federal funding for this through the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG). ODOT will be opening bids for the striping on May 16 and awarding the bid in June. We will know the start date for the striping project after ODOT conducts the pre-work

If you have questions about these projects you are welcome to call the District 1 shop at 282-3581 or email [email protected]. Thank you for your patience as we work to implement these improvements.


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