Guthrie News Page celebrates first year on the web

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It seems like only a few days ago, but believe it or not it has been one year since the launch of Guthrie News Page on the world-wide web.

Guthrie News Page (GNP) was published for the first time on June 14, 2011.

I was not sure how it was going to go, but never did I expect it to go like this – so quickly.

Guthrie Sports Page (GSP), an online sports website for Guthrie athletics started in 2007, and the May 24 Guthrie Tornado helped spark the suggestion of establishing an online news source for the city.

I started a news section on GSP last May and soon realized readers started to navigate to the local news more and more each day. So, with a blank website page in front of me – GNP was built and launched.

It has been an interesting transition from full-time sports writer and broadcaster to part-time news and sports reporter. I went from breaking down a full court press and fourth down and goal from the 3-yard line to court proceedings, fire and police situations, city and school meetings, traffic accidents, car shows, chamber events, parades, murders, lawsuits, tort claims, public forum debates and so on.

I have always followed both news and sports journalists since my high school years, but never did I see myself writing news and local events outside of sports. One of the items that motivates me to do what I do is my passion for my hometown of Guthrie.

Guthrie is where I was born, raised, educated, where I got married (Samantha), where we built our house and had two wonderful boys (Cale and Lance). Let’s just say I am invested in Guthrie and absolutely love where I am from.

GNP can operate and offer free stories thanks in part to the wonderful sponsors throughout the site. These sponsors allow GNP to purchase cameras, scanners, faxes, printers and all that goes with the site. GNP has been blessed to save a good portion of those funds so that one day hopefully it can pay for a reporter or two. Regardless, their dollars go to a Guthrie business and a Guthrie family and hopefully in return they are able to share their message and business. So, please visit their sites and when given the opportunity tell them thanks for their support for local news.

There are many people who have made this online news source mature so quickly and I don’t want to leave anyone out. So when I do, I apologize now.

It all has to begin with my wife, who has to not only put up with my sports responsibilities (radio, website and umpiring), but now my news responsibilities. GNP has its moments when I know I will to be gone (meetings, events, etc.). But there are situations that come up unexpectedly and I have to dash out of the house (office) and get the story (traffic accidents, fires, stand-offs, etc). Not to mention all the times I have to sit in front of this laptop to write stories and design websites.

Mayor Chuck Burtcher, City Manager Matt Mueller, Fire Chief Eric Harlow, Police Chief Damon Devereaux, Logan County Chief Deputy Rob Groseclose, Emergency Manager David Ball are tremendous at what they do. I have learned that everyone is not going to be pleased with decisions that are made, but we are lucky to have these public officials looking after our city and interests. They have an open door policy not only for me, but anyone in the community.

I have a lot of appreciation for the police officers, fireman, EMS workers and dispatchers for having to put up with a pestering individual with a camera and iPhone. Sometimes it is 2 p.m. and sometimes it is 2 a.m., but they have always been courteous to me.

Guthrie Public Schools have and always will be special to me. It was them that pointed me in the right direction. I have built close relationships throughout the years with coaches, teachers, school personnel and administrators. They have helped me along the way in many different aspects of life. Way too much for this article.

Chamber of Commerce guru’s Mary Coffin and Lucy Swanson, everyone inside the Logan County courthouse from the district attorney’s to the court clerk’s office to the sheriff’s office, city officials inside City Hall, Traci Hayes for the great graphics work, Jarrett George and Meghan Norton for some awesome photos from time-to-time and to Jim Perry for his patience with me when I have questions regarding the field of journalism.

And of course, you the reader. Not only have readers helped with story ideas, corrections or informing me of situations in the town, but help make Guthrie a better place. A place where we call home.


2 Comments on "Guthrie News Page celebrates first year on the web"

  1. Chris, THANK YOU!!!! GNP is my first stop when I want to find out what is going on in town. Thank you for covering what matters to this community in a timely manner. Your dedication to Guthrie is appreciated!!

  2. karan privette | June 14, 2012 at 12:15 pm | Reply

    thank you for your never ending commitment to Guthrie. Thank you to the people who make it possible for you to do this. All the way down to Lance who shouts out “assignment” when he sees you gearing up to chase down the news.

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