TLC Garden Center and Wal-Mart donate plants for Guthrie’s Honor Park

Steve Gentling, Master Gardener and American Legion member, noted that he recently received significant plant donations from the TLC Garden Center in Edmond and the Wal-Mart store in Guthrie for Honor Park.

Honor Park and the Veterans Memorial are located at Harrison and 2nd Street in Guthrie.  It is on land leased from the city by the American Legion LeBron Post 58.

Gentling said, “Each fall we pull out all the summer annuals like coleus and vinca and replace them with pansies, mums and perennials which last throughout the winter. We are so grateful for the fantastic support of TLC and our local Wal-Mart in supporting our fall plantings each year. We want the Memorial to be special tribute to the veterans of Logan County and visually pleasing. These plantings go a long way in making that happen.”

Gentling continued, “We are fortunate to receive these donations just in time for Veterans Day. Thank you TLC and Wal-Mart !”


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