Bridge project on Charter Oak Road goes to bid

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I’ve mentioned before how satisfying it is when plans for a major road or bridge project finally become a reality. This month, on October 18, ODOT will open bids for the construction of a new 103′ bridge over Chisholm Creek on Charter Oak Road. The new structure will replace the wooden one-lane bridge located one-half mile west of the Oak Cliff #2 fire station at Santa Fe and Charter

The process for replacing this bridge began back in Nov. 2008 when we submitted a Programming Resolution to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for the project. That was the first in the 36 step design process required when projects are federally funded.

After selecting an engineer, the bridge site was surveyed, hydraulic and geotechnical studies were performed and plan-in-hand meetings conducted between the county, the engineer and ODOT. One of the most time-consuming steps involved obtaining environmental clearance, a process which took many months. Once it was determined that no endangered species were dwelling on, beneath, about or under the bridge, we began working to acquire right-of-way. This included conducting a
title search for each property, sending that information to ODOT, receiving back the forms needed to negotiate with landowners, completing and returning easement agreements to ODOT, filing documents at the courthouse and ensuring throughout the process that we complied with all federal guidelines. After that, utilities had to be relocated.This also required coordination and
negotiation with various entities.

Finding funding for the project was a fundamental part of the process. Since Logan County is a member of the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments, (ACOG), we have an opportunity each year to submit applications requesting funding for major road and bridge projects. We compete with many entities for this funding, so we felt fortunate in April 2012 when we were awarded 80% of the $865,000 needed for the project. We still had to come up with the
remaining 20%. While attending a quarterly conference of the Association of County
Commissioners of Oklahoma, we were able to coordinate a plan with our Circuit
Engineering District and ODOT to obtain the remaining 20% local match needed. This required a trip to Alva, Oklahoma, where commissioners from surrounding counties formally agreed to approve the funding.

ODOT will approve bids in November. After that, the project will proceed according to the contractor’s schedule. Hopefully, early next year motorists and emergency responders from Oak Cliff Fire Station #2 will have a new bridge on Charter Oak which they can cross without hesitation.


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