The Logan County Sheriff’s Office wants farmers and ranchers to register their livestock so that they can help protect their assets.
Livestock such as cattle, bison, sheep, goat and equine often find themselves outside of the pens and into county roadways and other properties.
In many cases when livestock are found astray, deputies are able to locate nearby owners. However, times they’re unable to locate owners due to the lack of record keeping.
In some instances if LCSO is unable to determine the owner or probable owner of any strayed animals, the sheriff can publish to the public the description of the lost livestock. If they are still unable to locate the owners, the animal(s) will be sold through an auction.
How can you help LCSO by protecting your livestock assets?
Contact Undersheriff Troy Dykes by email [email protected] or by phone at 405-282-4100 with your contact information, locations of your livestock and markings/types of livestock you manage.
Information is stored in a mapping system with controlled access by the LCSO office. LCSO Communications has 24/7 access to this mapping system to assist in contacting owners when needed.

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