Little League Baseball scores for June 11-15

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Guthrie Little League baseball scores for June 11 thru 15.

8 & Under Games:

Braves 3
Marlins 0

(Hunter Royal)

Tigers 27
Bluejays 9

(Hunter Royal)

Dodgers 6
Rangers 5

(Hunter Royal)

Rangers 9
Marlins 4

(Colby Williams)

Bluejays 7
Dodgers 5

(Andrew Zinn)

10 & Under Games:

Reds 17
A’s 2

(Home: Alex Nelson       Field: Carson Nelson)

Bucks 18
A’s 1

(Home: Baylor Wilhelm Field: Dylan Harman)

Reds 15
Rangers 8

(Home: Carson Nelson  Field: Alex Nelson)

Bucks 13
Rangers 7

(Home: Baylor Wilhelm Field: Tanner Elmore)

12 & Under Games:

Rangers 15
Cardinals 4

(Home: Trey Blevins       Field: Clayton Davison)

Rangers 10
Cardinals 7

(Home: Trey Blevins       Field: Colby Williams)

Sooners 13
Dragons 3

(Home: Baylor Wilhelm Field: Dylan Harman)

Bomb Squad 17
Dragons 2

(Home: Colby Williams   Field: Andrew Zinn)


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