The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County on August 17, 2011.
Civil relief more than $10,000 (CJ)
CJ-2011-205 GMAC Mortgage, LLC v. McBane, Angela C., et al. CJ-2011-206 Bank of America, N.A. v. Stout, Charles Leon, et al. CJ-2011-207 The Charles B. and Kathleen J. Wheeler Trust, et. al., v Steven Lee Morrisett, et al.
Criminal Misdemeanor (CM)
CM-2011-560 State of Oklahoma v. Morelock, Shane Duane CM-2011-561 State of Oklahoma v. Smith, Garrett Matthew
Civil relief less than $10,000 (CS)
CS-2011-286 Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC v. Mansor, Ronda R. CS-2011-287 Midland Funding, LLC v. Stewart, Kristi CS-2011-288 Midland Funding LLC v. Norris, Margaret CS-2011-289 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC v. Stevenson, Kenny
Family and Domestic (FD)
FD-2011-153 In re the Marriage of: Reeve, Kralynn Ann and Reeve, Christopher Lee
Probate (PB)
PB-2011-59 In the Matter of the Estate of Alma Leota Young, deceased
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2011-349 Logan Medical Center vs. Peneloh Candice Ford SC-2011-350 Logan Medical Center vs. Leandra K. James SC-2011-351 Logan Medical Center vs. Daniel J. Roberts and Kyla Roberts SC-2011-352 Logan Medical Center vs. Jed F. Riley SC-2011-353 Logan Medical Center vs. Claude A. Boyster SC-2011-354 Logan Medical Center vs. Louis A. Williams SC-2011-355 Logan Medical Center vs. Charles Wesley Naab and Lisa Irene Naab SC-2011-356 Logan Medical Center vs. William E. Dodgion SC-2011-357 Integris Baptist Medical Center vs. Paola Z. Zamora SC-2011-358 Logan Medical Center vs. Stephanie Michelle Brownen and Christopher DeWayne Brownen
Traffic (TR)
TR-2011-2475 State of Oklahoma v. Kuehner, Evan A TR-2011-2476 State of Oklahoma v. Frazier, Winston A TR-2011-2477 State of Oklahoma v. Copeland, Kyle Alton TR-2011-2478 State of Oklahoma v. Copeland, Kyle Alton TR-2011-2479 State of Oklahoma v. Cobbe, Stephanie D TR-2011-2480 State of Oklahoma v. Baker, Michael Roy Jr TR-2011-2481 State of Oklahoma v. Stanley, Suzanne Lynn TR-2011-2482 State of Oklahoma v. Kelln, Kela Nicole TR-2011-2483 State of Oklahoma v. Smith, Cecil Milton TR-2011-2484 State of Oklahoma v. French, Cheri Lynn TR-2011-2485 State of Oklahoma v. Munoz Rodriguez, Salvador TR-2011-2486 State of Oklahoma v. Elston, Zachary Taylor TR-2011-2488 State of Oklahoma v. Goss, Garrett Foley TR-2011-2489 State of Oklahoma v. Goss, Garrett Foley TR-2011-2490 State of Oklahoma v. Breiner, Clay A TR-2011-2491 State of Oklahoma v. Hernandez, Guadalupe Guajurdo TR-2011-2492 State of Oklahoma v. Warden, Jeremy TR-2011-2493 State of Oklahoma v. Moravec, Jeffrey M TR-2011-2494 State of Oklahoma v. Thomas, Edward M TR-2011-2495 State of Oklahoma v. Mitchell, Johnetta N TR-2011-2496 State of Oklahoma v. Labelle, Jennifer D TR-2011-2497 State of Oklahoma v. Parra, Thomas M TR-2011-2498 State of Oklahoma v. Nganga, Melanie Wanjiru TR-2011-2499 State of Oklahoma v. Stevenson, Ron Cheval TR-2011-2500 State of Oklahoma v. Reece, Jason Thomas TR-2011-2501 State of Oklahoma v. Reece, Jason Thomas
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