Rep. Duel: Disabled veterans sales tax exemption

We had a productive week passing bills off the House floor. Of the 2,600 House Bills eligible to be heard in committees before the deadline, 495 House Bills and 10 House Joint Resolutions successfully passed committee.

I am pleased to announce that Senate Bill 1215 passed the House floor and has been signed into law by the Governor. This bill eliminates the registration deadline of November 1, 2023, for Oklahoma veterans to register on the veteran’s registry.

The primary objective of this bill is to protect qualifying disabled veterans who received the sales tax exemption before November 1, 2020, from losing their exemption status due to failure to meet the registration deadline.

To provide some context, a few years ago, it was discovered that Oklahoma’s record of having 100% veterans was almost twice as high as the record maintained by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which raised concerns about possible fraud.

Therefore, the Oklahoma Department of Veteran Affairs requested that a veterans registry be enacted through legislation. Their request was granted when Senate Bill 415 was signed into law in 2021.

Numerous 100% disabled veterans were unaware of the new deadline of November 1, 2023, causing them to miss the chance to register and receive their annual sales tax exemption.

To address this issue, the House and Senate worked together to ensure that this bill would be sent to the Governor’s desk as soon as possible. I believe that Oklahoma veterans with a 100% disability rating should receive the tax benefits they urgently need, especially given the current challenging economic environment.

Senate Bill 1215, with an emergency clause, was signed by the Governor this week. This law removes the July 1, 2023 deadline, allowing all 100% permanently disabled veterans and their surviving spouses to be eligible for an annual sales tax exemption.

Some veterans and surviving spouses previously denied by the Oklahoma Tax Commission will automatically receive new cards. If veterans or surviving spouses submitted registry verification letters to the Oklahoma Tax Commission but were unable to receive new Exemption Cards due to missing the registration deadline of July 1, 2023, or if they filed a protest or requested a hearing in response to the denial letter for new Exemption Cards, no further action is required.

To register with the Oklahoma Veterans Registry, individuals can visit If you are a veteran or a surviving spouse and require any assistance with this registration, please feel free to contact my office. We would be happy to address any concerns or questions you may have.

I am thankful and honored that the constituents of House District 31 have entrusted me with the responsibility of serving in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any concerns at 405-557-7350 or [email protected].

Rep. Collin Duel, a Republican, serves District 31 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, which covers Logan and Oklahoma counties.


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