Patrons were enjoying their dinner while dining in a Guthrie landmark when all of a sudden an 18-wheeler struck the building.

Look close (may need to click picture to enlarge) and you will see a crack through the window at the Stables Cafe after being struck by an 18-wheeler.
Shortly before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, a fertilizer semi truck turned right on to Division Street (Highway 77) from Noble (Highway 33) when it struck the northeast corner post of the building ripping it off the building and settling on the pavement. Along with the broken down pole, the impact cracked a store front window that will have to be replaced.
There were no injuires and the store remained open.
Despite two calls to the Guthrie Police Department, the semi was unable to be located. It is unclear if the truck was carrying any fertilizer at the time.
Unfortunately, for owner and operator of the Stables Cafe, Debbie Prather, this is all but to uncommon.
“We have been here for 25 years and this about the 10th time this has happen,” Prather said.
Prather asked and received a street sign from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to notify big wheel trucks that right turns are not permitted on to the busy street. The sign is within yards of the Division and Noble intersection.
Seems like they just got the new awning and repairs finished from the last time they were hit and now it happens again. History certainly does repeat itself.