The next of kin of Brent Mack has filed a civil suit in Logan County against Dan Triplett, who has been charged with first degree murder. The lawsuit also lists Triplett’s business as a defendant.
The lawsuit was filed on Tuesday by attorney Jeffrey D. Black on behalf of Raychelle Wilson, who has been identified as the surviving next of kin, according to court documents.
The petition claims Triplett took the life of Mack, who was an employee of Triplett’s backhoe company, in September while working on the job.
Mack, who suffered a gun shot wound, was found buried under a septic tank on Oct. 22.
Triplett was charged with the murder on Oct. 25. Along with the murder charge, Triplett was also charged with desecration of a human corpse.
The former Guthrie city councilman was later given by bond and released from custody.
The petition states Wilson and her siblings “have lost the companionship love of their father and the parent child relationship has been destroyed.”
The attorney added that Triplett’s actions were “intentional, grossly negligent, willful, deliberate and in reckless regard to the rights for others for which punitive damages should be assessed in amount in excess of $10,000.
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Emergency Application
Court papers were also filed to prevent Triplett — and his company — from transferring any assets.
The petition reads, “It is likely that the Defendant’s (Triplett) will attempt to transfer, hide, secret, enjoin, encumber otherwise dispose of assets in anticipation of civil litigation brought by Mr. Mack’s family.”

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